jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

my head is about to explode.

Im so desmotivated right now. It's like, any little effort I make to get good marks or be good at school it's just not enough .. (I have like, at least aprox. one 4 mark at every subject, and the best mark is 7 here :s, so 4 is like, you are almost failing, "we could say you are almost a failure :D!"... ¬¬). It depresses me and I feel so low, BUT, though many people wouldn't believe it, I'm kind of a positive person, so I can't be sad all the time because of things like this :/ ...and that annoys me >.<, but at the same time I think it's good (o_o) . But it annoys me coz sometimes I feel I don't take things seriously, and Im at that point of my life where I have to start taking things that way, and see the world with "more responsibility". Fuck... how moron I can be. But it's still true.

Guyss!!!, I need holidays, and I need good marks so Ill try to do my best with the last stuff for school, altough I still feel a bit hopeless about it :c . And also practice a lot with my "band" (Sofi, Valde) for our presentation for the 4th medios :) .. Which I think it's going to be very well :D .. at least something that comes out well ¬¬ ..hahah that was just me being me, a bit ironic or whateva :P. Ah! right, I think I didn't told you what song we were gonna play. All my school (or at least some of it) already knows xD.. coz we play it a lot, but those of you who still doesn't know, the song it's 'Say It Again' from Marie Digby (which you can hear at the ipod nano on this page). It's a lovely song indeed

And well, the other day, or the day before yesterday, I uploaded some videos to my youtube account, to have some of my stuff there, coz, I just had favorites videos :) . They are of a concert I went to, last year, of Queen & Paul Rodgers, here at Stgo. Around this same dates, November the 20 and something, if Im not wrong :B .. It was a good concert, though all the old people who went (50 and over) were so dull. Really, they seemed like they were obliged to go, and were just standing there still, not even singing they songs. And if they dare to sing just one of them, it was with no emotion at all. I mean, if you are going to a concert... PLEASE, at least get excited for 5 MINUTES and MAKE SOME FUCKIN NOISE. Then you can say you enjoyed it, and that you actually went to the concert. Not before.

Ok guys, I leave you here one of the craziest videos I uploaded xD. Well, it's not actually that crazy (coz I recorded it like shit. Blame the excitement), but it's funny cause we were singing like drunks. And we were sober, VERY SOBER, I swear. (really, I didn't knew what was alcohol that time.. :B)... enjoy! and I'm going coz I have to take care of my sore ear, sleep, study, work, write and asdf.

♥ love to yous,

3 comentarios:

  1. hay!! pau, don't give up, not now, there are only 2 more weeks to oso ( to bear, haha) and then the final we have to do the last effort for the final exams and we are done! i haven't done great either, but we can do better next year :D!
    tkm! :*

  2. to oso ... loved it!!! :* tk macca y no te enojes cn nosotros

    yeaah next year we have to be fully studying.. no podemos flaitearnos tanto cmo en éste xd ..fuckin psu

  3. AHahaha Pauuu no desanimes :3 yo ando casi que en las mismas pero sé que no es mucho lo que hay que sacrificar para dar vuelta la cosa, asique animo noma :D y sabes que si necesitas help yo te puedo ayudar, aunque no te en IB x3!!

    Te quero ;D besos

