viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009

today I woke feeling lovely happiness :D

I have just realized that I have kinda sleepy eyes :o .. I mean, not just when Im actually sleepy, but always; they are like tired eyes :OO:O XD... but I like them (:

Ok, so...
yes!! I woke up feeling very good today, more than anything because I woke up knewing I hadnt got to get up fast and go somewhere I didnt want to. For e.g. school. EW. Yesterday I went to give my penultimate exam, and I just didnt knew a fuckin thing so.. it was effin tedious (well I knew just a little.. so little that it almost doesnt count xD) But Im willing to give it a real try to my last exam, which is Biology. I like that subject, and well, I have to do well in at least one exam, right? D: ... if not mamma's gonna kill me, HAHAH. (idk how she hasnt done that yet)

But yesterday, apart from the lil' school tiredness, I also had a great time with my friends, after doing the exam. We went to a friends place (Naxouuu), and there, well, we were suppossed to study Biology a bit. Like go through the content of the exam a lil' to get started for Monday, which is the day of the exam. I insist, we were SUPPOSSED to do so :D .. but of course, we coudlnt actually pick a book and start to study, it didnt felt like doing that, though we got the intention (we took the Bio books with us to the pool), REALLY :D ..hahha. Instead we went to the pool at his house, we swim a lil' (I got tired right away xD), played some games, listened to music, had fun and a great time, also with a very nice conversation. Was a beautiful day, I really loved it ♥

And then, I went with another two friends (Marce and Nati) to buy some things to Portal Lyon. There we bought some ice-creams (it was freakin hottt), a present for a friend :P, and I bought me a b-e-a-utiful earring, also very original (well, I think it is, haha).

Well, as pictures can say a lot more than words, I leave you here with some pictures my friends and I took yesterday :D .. and also a pic of my new earring, which is beautiful!!! ahh! (hahaha okay :3), and a backpack my brother brought me from his Study Trip. Yes, he came back from it and I know he had a great time (: Who cant have a greaaaat time at a trip like that? I remember mine, and it was effinnn fantastic, so... And my bro knows how to have fun too, so I know he had a blast there :P

ok, get ready, cuz there are LOOOTS of pics Im gonna show o_o
An when I say a LOT, I mean it. xD

lolz, our faces XD...



lick me? o.ô

kiss me!

in space :o

shrinked head!



everythings looks.. a bit dizzy o_o


hahaha randomness


emo moment :

i♥ this one!!


Naxo, Domi, Awao, Me

Naxo, Domi, Awao, Me

At the back: Naxo, Domi, Awao.. at the front: Me, Macca

indian (:

roawwr Domi and Rufuss!

this is the diced earring :O:O

and this the backpack my bro brought me from his Trip :DD
i think its very beautiful haha

sweet goodbyes guys! (: and lots of love,

4 comentarios:

  1. i already saw those pics. they're great! and thank god, you didn't upload the ones of domi's big booty. if so, blogger admins (or whoever rules the blogspot community), would've reported and deleted you account, LOL! hehehe.
    hm... loved the mini-dices ;D


  2. Ahahaha me gustaron las fotos, con los miles de efectos locos XD se nota que la pasaron bien, que es lo que importa, a pesar de que SUPUESTAMENTE tenian que estudiar Bio AHEIAHIAHEIA
    Tan bknes lo aros y la mochila ta muy pro xD! Aunque no sea de mi estilo :3
    Un saludo y un abraso, se te quiere!


  3. NO!! estan en todas partes!!! :O!!
    lo pasamos muy bn eso si.. jajajaj
    ya ta todo lindo.. y el nuevo disenno esta bkn...
    saluditos :*

  4. sipoo, oe macca escribe en tu blog, eso.

    aahaha si me dio un poco d cosa poner fotos muy cuaticas acá, asiq las mas piolitas nomas (: y gracias a todos por los coments!

    ahora si estudio bioo XD, mientras me cago de calor y se llevan a cabo las FOOOOMES elecciones en la tele (no esq la esté viendo :D)

    ya cuidense todos, tb se les qere muchop :*
